The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities in one of the world’s most multicultural cities.
Awarded annually, this is U of T’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students from around the world, including international students studying at Canadian high schools. The scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity, and who are recognized as leaders within their school, emphasizing their future potential to contribute positively to the global community.
The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship applications are managed by Enrollment Services and all questions should be directed to For details of how to apply to this scholarship, please visit:
The Program
The Pearson Program Office housed within the Centre for International Experience (CIE) offers different enrichment and support programs for Pearson Scholars currently studying at U of T.
Pearson Welcome Events
In September every year, a series of events are organized to welcome incoming Year 1 Pearson Scholars to U of T.
These events include:
- a Pearson Orientation,
- a team building activity, as well as
- a Pearson Welcome Reception attended by the U of T President.
One-on-One Check-in Meetings
The Pearson Program Office advises all Pearson Scholars at U of T throughout their enrolment. Each Pearson Scholar is also assigned to an advisor on their campus of study for their four years at U of T.
The Pearson Advisors conduct one-on-one check-in meetings with all Pearson Scholars each semester to support their plans at U of T and to help them navigate different resources on campus.
Pearson Peer Mentorship Program
Year 1 Pearson Scholars are assigned upper-year Pearson Scholars as their mentors.
Peer Mentors meet regularly with their Peer Mentees during the scholars’ first year at U of T and share their own experiences of the first year transition with their Mentees.
Pearson Faculty Mentorship Program
In their second year of study at U of T, each Pearson Scholar is matched with a U of T Faculty Mentor.
Faculty Mentors are able to advise Pearson Scholars on their academic plan as well as other opportunities on and off campus.
Pearson Enrichment Activities
The Pearson Program Office organizes Enrichment Activities on different themes such as Leadership, Career Exploration, Alumni Networking, Graduate School Applications, Entrepreneurship etc. to support the development of the Pearson Scholars.
The Pearson Social Committee, consisting of 9 Pearson Scholars, also plan monthly social events for the Pearson Community.
Pearson Leadership and Enrichment Certificate
The Pearson Leadership and Enrichment Certificate Program is created to record all extracurricular activities that each Pearson Scholar has participated in during their four years at U of T.
Pearson Scholars who have completed all requirements of the program will be awarded the Enrichment Certificate at the end of their four years at U of T.
Previous and Current Pearson Scholars
The profiles of the Pearson Scholars studying at the University of Toronto can be found here:
2017 Pearson Scholars
2018 Pearson Scholars
2019 Pearson Scholars
2020 Pearson Scholars
2021 Pearson Scholars
2022 Pearson Scholars
2023 Pearson Scholars
2024 Pearson Scholars
Scholar Stories
2020 Pearson Scholar
UTSG campus
Niharika came up with the idea of teaching guided painting sessions to deepen the impact she could make by just spreading her passion for visual art. By teaching art to seniors who may not have painted since their school days, she hopes to demonstrate that it’s never too late to learn something new, challenging ageism and combating society’s negative perception of the elderly. Seeing the healing and joy that she was able to spread in nursing homes and hospitals by simply sharing her love for art, Niharika realized that this was a very novel and fulfilling approach to volunteering that she strongly felt other students should experience. She believes that anyone can positively impact the community around them by integrating their personal talents and hobbies into helping others.
This is the link for the TEDx talk.

AJ is on the right
2021 Pearson Scholar
UTSG campus
Unfolding Impact: AJ’s Summer from Cape Town to Barcelona
After a riveting experience as a research assistant and an enlightening internship at RBC, AJ’s quest for global impact unfurled. He started his summer in the dynamic townships of Cape Town under the Rotman summer abroad program. Collaborating with micro-entrepreneur Mama Glenrose, he delved into bookkeeping strategies, supplier negotiations, card machine configurations, and branding refinements for a chicken burger takeout business. Transitioning to the Laidlaw Scholars Program, AJ embarked on a journey to Barcelona, Spain, partnering with APSOCECAT and FESCOE—organizations dedicated to the deafblindness community—to fortify their initiatives through creative technologies. Guided by Dr. Kristen Duke and funded by the Laidlaw Foundation, AJ produced a research paper exploring the intricate links between environmental corporate social responsibility initiatives and consumer behavior. Throughout the process, AJ embraced newfound humility, gratitude, and a harmonious symphony of diverse experiences, recognizing that seeking true impact often eludes mere metrics.
2022 Pearson Scholar
UTSG campus
Venezuelan Diaspora Explained – DTS200 Final Project 2023
Sarah Oberto is a 2022 Pearson Scholar specializing in Finance and Economics with a minor in Diaspora and Transnational Studies. Her experience as a Venezuelan immigrant sparked her desire to learn more about diasporic populations and the various reasons people are forced to leave their homeland and families behind in search of a more prosperous future for themselves and their loved ones. As an immigrant herself, Sarah has had first-hand experience fleeing her home country as a result of the political, social, and economic turmoil in Venezuela. After several years living abroad she came to the realization that many people don’t understand the situation her country has been going through for so many years, and she wanted to find a way to spread awareness of it. In her final project for DTS200 she decided to create a video that captures the essence of the Venezuelan Diaspora and its cause.
Watch Sarah’s final project here
Maansi Suri
2021 Pearson Scholar
UTSG campus
Maansi is one of the 20 student winners of this year’s Cansbridge Fellowship, which provides its fellows with a holistic experience, consisting of 3 parts: a one-week bootcamp in Silicon Valley (British Columbia this year), a $10,000 stipend to pursue an internship in Asia, and a life-long network of Cansbridge fellows.
2022 Pearson Scholar
UTSC campus
On receiving the 2023-2024 Budding Scholars Award
Mehakpreet is very grateful to have been selected as a recipient of the Budding Scholar Award at UofT Scarborough. The Budding Scholars is a competitive program that offers mentorship and research opportunities for promising students who aspire to become professionals in the field of psychology and neuroscience. The program’s commitment to fostering a dynamic community of aspiring professionals is truly inspiring, and she is excited to embark on this transformative experience. This award represents more than just an accolade; it symbolizes the beginning of an exciting chapter in Mehakpreet’s pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Mehakpreet is thankful for the chance to engage with esteemed scholars, connect with fellow students, and delve into mentored research projects that will shape her path as a budding scientist. With heartfelt gratitude, she looks forward to embracing the challenges that this program heralds, as she strives to contribute meaningfully to the scientific realm and beyond.
See Mehakpreet’s award here
SCholar Testimonials
More than the financial benefits, I am ever so grateful for the network of support system that has been established for me through the Pearson program. This has made my journey in Fall semester and transition to Canada ever so smooth. I look forward to receiving a similar level of support throughout the Winter semester and beyond.
Ahnaf Rahman (2021 Pearson Scholar)
The Pearson International Scholarship has not only given me opportunity, but a sense of purpose. I have been able to access higher education in a truly unique way, within a community that has supported me in cultivating feelings of both belonging and passion. I found fulfilment in my academic pursuits while also feeling truly cared for and valued as an individual within the program. I ultimately have been able to occupy space on a deeply metaphoric level that fills me with a lust for life and has garnered the energy necessary for me to move forward – academically, professionally, and personally.
Kengu Latoya Black (2018 Scholar)
From exciting networking and social events to personal meetings with professor-advisor in my field, from mentorship opportunities to supporting conversations with program coordinators, I benefited a lot from being part of Pearson Scholars community. I believe I could fully realize myself academically with the immense support from Pearson Scholarship, which took away all the worries in terms of finding a place to live and cooking, providing me with a comfortable residence space which became my second home for four years and which significantly enhanced my student life experience. I always felt cared for through bi-annual meetings with Tara, Flo and Shraddha.
Ksenia Meteleva, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson scholarship program has dramatically changed my life for the better, opening up a myriad of opportunities; Be it paving a way for me to study at a University I dreamt of for many years, or to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, or the vivid experiences and hands-on knowledge gained over the years. For all this and more, I will be forever grateful, seeking to give back to the community and those around me in a meaningful way, that I may, now and always, live up to the name, expectations and motto of such a life-changing scholarship.
Emilia Solomon, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson Scholarship provided me with the unique opportunity to grow and flourish at UofT. I was introduced to scholars from all over the world whose worldviews I had never encountered before. The program created a support network made of scholars and staff who took care of my wellbeing throughout my journey in university. I was given the flexibility to choose my own academic path and encouraged to excel in accordance with my own needs.
Leonardo Pinna Cosenza, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson Scholarship really changed my university experience for me. It’s often tough to navigate through new courses and an unfamiliar environment, but the support I received from my advisors was incredible. At every step of the way, I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and find new avenues for self-development. Whenever I needed help, someone was there to guide me in every way I needed. There’s also lots of fun events to get to meet new people and socialise!
Maheen Khan, 2017 Scholar
Upcoming event: Annual Pearson Conference 2023
Sign up here.
U of T honours the second cohort of Lester B. Pearson International Scholars to complete their studies.
The second cohort of Lester B. Pearson International Scholars to graduate from the University of Toronto was celebrated at a June 14 reception at the Faculty Club. Pearson Scholars hold the University’s most prestigious and competitive international scholarships, awarded each year to outstanding students from around the world.
To read about the event, please click here.
Welcoming the 2021 Lester B. Pearson Scholars to the University (Fall 2021)
The Pearson Program Office recently held a recent virtual reception that welcomed the 36 scholarship recipients to the university.
U of T President Meric Gertler said the event has become a highlight since the “Pearson scholars embody so clearly the distinctive strengths and values” of the university.
The scholarships are considered U of T’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students – awarded to those who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and who are recognized as leaders within their high school. This year’s recipients were chosen from a total of 1,761 applicants.
To read about the event, please click here.
Celebrating the First ANnual Pearson Conference (Fall 2021)